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Furniture Selection 

& Layout

Modern Living Room


A space, whether it is a living room, kitchen or a study should always function as well as it possibly can. Sometimes functionality is very easy to achieve but sometimes we come across some awkward spaces that can make the furniture layout challenging. 

Space planning may be the single most important part of your project. We can make sure your space is designed well from the beginning so it can serve you for years to come. Plus, you will get to see your finished space before you get knee deep into it!

We provide 3D renders that are drawn to scale. This includes renovations and furniture layout plans.  Our plans will show you exactly how your room will be laid out.

Price: To be determined after consultation

The Process

1) During the initial consultation we will be able to determine what you are looking for based on the information provided.

2) We will take pictures but more importantly, we will take the measurements of the space.

Once we have the measurement, we will then be able to create a 3D computerised version of the space. With the furniture layout or any structural changes in the case of a renovation.

3) We will send the 3D render to you  and If you plan to install the furniture plan yourself, we will gladly send you a list of the measurements, furniture selected, prices and location. 

4) You have the option of letting us procure and install the furnishings for you to complete the look.


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